About Us
ARC East of England
The NIHR ARC East of England is a five-year collaboration between Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, and the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia, Hertfordshire and Essex along with other NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, Regional Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), patient-led organisations, charities, and industry partners across the region.
University of East Anglia
The partnership is a group of organisations who want to work together to improve health and social care for our region. That includes health and social care professionals, researchers, and members of the public.
Compassionate Companions
The aim of Compassionate Companions is to support and empower people who are approaching the end of life, to prepare and help them make choices right for them. It provides non-medical support via a matched ‘companion’ to enable them to live life fully until they die. The service was initiated in 2019 by Dr Lindsey Crockett, senior partner at the Peninsula Practice, and now serves a wider footprint across East Suffolk. More details are available on the linked website.
St Elizabeth Hospice
St Elizabeth Hospice aims to improve life for people living with progressive and life-limiting conditions, and their families, in Ipswich, East Suffolk and Great Yarmouth and Waveney.
As well as providing care for patients, St Elizabeth Hospice supports families through the LivingGrief bereavement service and 565 Service for children, teenagers, parents and professionals working with young people.
Healthwatch Norfolk
Healthwatch Norfolk is the local health and social care champion for the County. We make sure NHS leaders and other decision-makers hear your voice and use patient, carer, and community feedback to improve care. We can also help people to find reliable and trustworthy information and advice.